Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just a quick one.

It's been a minute since my last post and for that I deeply apologize. I know there are few of you who actually check this blog regularly looking for pictures, stories, inspiration...knowledge...advice. I don't know. What are you looking for, anyway?
Regardless, we're prepping for a big weekend around Camp Sweatpants. Kate will be at work Friday night leaving Emily, Moose, Piper and I to handle all candy distribution. Sunday will be a nice day with family and friends as Ems gets Christened at the same church where Kate and I got married. Saturday we might hit Bed, Bath & Beyond....I don't know if there'll be enough time!
I promise plenty of good pictures next week.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Two months? Really?

It's true. Emily turned two months old on Thursday. (On a completely unrelated note, we've clearly turned a corner. It's just after 10 pm on a Saturday night and I'm on the computer. Kate's feeding Ems on the couch. The only one drinking out of a bottle right now is the kid. I mean, what the hell? How did we get here? But I digress.)
Two months is fun. She's smiling when we come into view. She's holding her head up. She's discovering her hands and feet. But it's not all fun and games. Her gas has reached a new adult level. Between Daddy, Ems and Moose, it will be a small miracle if the house doesn't go up like a roman candle one day. Hard to believe more people don't stop by.
Of course, two months brings another doctor's appointment complete with three shots. Ems was not a fan. She let everyone know. 
Ah, but there's a light at the end of this particular tunnel. When Emily was born she was 22 inches long on her left leg and 19 on her right. This checkup showed she had grown a little over two inches on both sides
Now, in case you hadn't picked up on it yet, I am not a doctor. I know proximal femoral focal deficiency is a rare condition with various intricacies involved that are unique to each individual case. Her right leg will not catch up to the left without divine/surgical help. Still, I can't help but think that as long as her legs keep growing at the same pace, that's gotta be a pretty good sign.
Let's hope the real doctors agree.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Emily, the Cubbies and God.

Yes, they're all related. How, you ask? Well, settle in, Bubba and I'll tell you. 

As I was saying my goodbyes to the family this morning, Emily briefly woke up and looked up at me with a twinkle in her eye.
"Daddy, do the playoffs start today?" (Yes, she's seven and a half weeks old. She's our little prodigy. It's really something.) 
"Yes, Ems, they do," I replied. 
"I'm going to wear my new Cubs tee shirt 
today. And when you get home from work, we'll watch the game together." 
"That sounds wonderful. I can't wait."

It was quite a moment. Nice way to start the day. 

Moving ahead to this afternoon. The good Rev. Andy Fiddler stopped by to discuss the plans for Emily's upcoming baptism. While he was here, UPS rang the doorbell to drop off a package. I excitedly tore open the wrapping paper to discover the authentic Mark Grace Cubs jersey I had ordered last week. I had not expected it to arrive until maybe October 3rd at the earliest. "It's a beauty!" Exclaimed Rev. Fiddler.  I asked him to bless it. He chuckled. I wasn't kidding. 

My point is prized jersey shows up prior to the Cubs' first playoff game while discussing the baptism of our daughter with a man of the cloth. 

I think it's a good sign. 

Go Cubs.