Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Remember all those good feelings this morning?

Yeah, they're a distant memory.
Emily has been a monster today. Not that I can blame her, but at the same time, there's really not a lot we can do (ever try and explain that to a two-year old? I see you out there'd it work out for ya? Uh-huh...poorly is correct.) What does she want? She wants to be outside...playing...on the beach...without a cast on. How much of that can we make happen? Um...none.
For now, she sleeps. But it's only a matter of time before mighty Kong awakens from her slumber.
45 more hours...


Unknown said...

Hang in there...Before long this will be a distant memory. I know, easy for me to say. I cannot even imagine how challenging this is. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out....

AS said...

Oh, God, my heart breaks!! I mean what can you REALLY do? Divide up the time of the awake caregiving...couple of hours at most at a time. Just keep repeating the same thing, she does not get it but your tone can say you understand. How many hours ARE there in 6 weeks? Let's make a chart. Could we have a group hug!!